Industry insights

What Is The Difference Between Spring Water and Mineral Water?

1 min read

By Will Vickery |  Published

A question we get asked a lot, as a water solutions provider is, what exactly is the difference between spring water and mineral water? Well actually quite a lot. There are certain factors that affect what the classification of water is, including; where it comes from, its consistency, composition, taste and if they’re protected or treated.

So here is a rundown on what the difference is between spring water and mineral water.

Spring Water

Spring water is the term used to refer to water collected directly from a natural source, typically far underground in natural aquifers where the spring water rises to the surface. Spring water is rich in trace minerals and is considered to be one of the best types of water for hydration and other health benefits.

Spring water is a certain classification of water, which comes from a single non-polluted ground water source. It’s protected within certain set vulnerability perimeters to avoid pollution and contamination, which makes it fit for human consumption at the source and is therefore bottled at source.  

Many natural mineral waters begin their lives as spring waters trading as such during the two year testing period. Unlike natural mineral waters, spring waters may undergo permitted treatments but like natural mineral waters must comply with the Drinking Water Regulations

Mineral Water

All natural mineral water, comes directly from a named underground source that’s guaranteed to be protected from pollution, this source should be named on the bottle. All mineral water must contain consistent mineral composition including calcium, magnesium, potassium and sulphates, to just name a few. The water may not be treated in any way to alter its original chemical and microbiological composition.

In addition natural mineral water must provide certain information on their labels such as the typical mineral analysis. Mineral water must be officially recognised through a local authority after a qualifying period of two years, during which time it is repeatedly analysed. If you can’t claim all of that, you can’t claim it’s a mineral water.

Although spring water and mineral water has some consistent features, there are some subtle differences between the two including their compositions and the way in which they are regulated and tested.