Industry insights

Why You Shouldn’t Use Water From The Hot Tap For Drinking Or Cooking

2 min read

By Ryan Tedder |  Published

In some households, it’s not unusual for people to use the hot water tap for purposes that weren’t intended, including drinking and cooking. However, if you’re doing this, there are a few good reasons to change your habits. We'll look at the potential risks of using hot tap water for consumption and offer a more hygienic alternative.

The Dangers inside your hot water tap 

Hot tap water is a real convenience for hand and face washing in the bathroom and rinsing, washing, and cleaning in the kitchen. But the reality is that the water sitting in your hot water tank may be prone to contamination, which can affect its purity. 

Over time, sediments, rust, and contaminants can build up in the tank, affecting the water quality. Additionally, bacteria, including Legionella, thrive in warm environments, which provides a genuine health risk when hot water is stored and not used frequently.

Outside the tank, your hot water pipes can leach contaminants into the water, especially if they’re made of materials like lead. These metal elements can find their way out of your hot water tap and potentially cause long-term health issues if drunk regularly. Plus, some water treatment chemicals used in hot water systems may not be suitable for drinking.

The impact on taste and smell

Apart from these potential health risks, the taste and smell of your food and drinks can also be affected by your hot tap water. The longer water sits in your hot water tank, the more likely it is to pick up metallic or unpleasant tastes and smells. 

Things that could affect taste and smell include the pH level of your water, which can mean more acidic water that can slowly corrode the metal of the hot water tank. Even chlorine, used to kill bacteria in the water to keep you safe, can negatively affect your hot water tank and pipework. All this will impact the smell and taste of your hot water, spoiling the enjoyment of your meals and brews.

Hot water dispensers for a safer alternative

If you’re looking for a more hygienic and cost-effective way to get hot water that doesn't come from your hot water tap, hot water dispensers provide a much safer alternative. Heating your water on demand means always getting fresh, clean, hot water. And a hot water dispenser doesn't store water for long periods, reducing the risk of bacterial growth and contamination.

Hot water dispensers have built-in, advanced filtration systems that eliminate impurities, ensuring water is free from contaminants and chemicals. The on-demand heating feature also means there's no need for water storage, minimising the risk of bacterial growth. And hot water dispensers deliver water at the perfect temperature for your hot drinks or cooking needs.

Say ‘no’ to your hot water tap

With various health risks due to potential contaminants and bacterial growth, you shouldn't use your hot water tap for drinking or cooking. As an alternative, hot water dispensers offer a more hygienic solution, giving instant access to clean, filtered hot water. 

Switching to a hot water dispenser not only ensures the safety of your water but also enhances its overall taste and quality. So why not talk to our customer service team about prioritising your health and well-being with a reliable and efficient hot water dispenser from Thirsty Work?

Call 01392 877 172 or email today, and you can get your free quote or start your no-obligation 10-day free trial on a hot water dispenser for home or work.